AMCAT Computer Programming -12
111. Which of the following accessibility modes can be the specifier of a top level class?
1. Private 2. Protected 3. Public 4. No modifier
A. only 3 B. only 44 C. Both 1 and 3 D. Both 2 and 3 E. Both 3 and 4
Solution: Answer will be Option A.
112. A language has 28 different letters in total. Each word in language is composed of maximum 7 letters .you want to create a data type to store a word of this language. You decide to store the word as an array of letters. How many bits will you assigns to the database to store all kind of word of language?
A. 7 B. 35 C. 28 D. 196
Solution: Answer will be Option B.
To represent 28 different letters we need 5 bits per each (2^5=32). Each word contains max letters 7. Hence number of bits=5*7=35.
113. Recursive function is executed in a ___________________________
A. Last in First Out Order B. First in First Out Order C. Parallel Fashion D. All of the above
Solution: Answer will be Option A.
114. Yukta created an interface to use it in different parts of the program by implementing it. But she forgot to specify the access specifier for each contained method. What will be the access specifier of the methods that will be inherited/implemented?
A. Public B. Private C. Protected D. An error will be generated
Solution: Answer will be Option A.
115. Which of the following statements are true?
1)An Arithmetic left shift multiplies a signed number by two
2)An Arithmetic right shift divides a signed number by two
3)Mask operation is an AND micro-operation and insert is an OR micro-operation
4)In a logical shift, the serial input to the shift is one
A. Both 1 and 2 B. Both 3 and 4 C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 2, 3 and 4
Solution: Answer will be Option C.
116. Choose the correct answer. A Queue is implemented by a linear array of size 10 (and not as a circularly connected array). Front and Rear are represented as an index in the array. To add an element, the rear index is incremented and the element is added. To delete an element, the front index is incremented. The following operations are done on an empty queue.
After this set of operations, what is the maximum capacity of the queue?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 10 D. None of these
Solution: Answer will be option B.
In queue initially the both Front and Rear assigned by the value -1 means the queue is empty. The size of the queue is 10 (array index no from 0 to 9).
ADD 1 it will increment both Front and Rear (in case of first element)
DELETE deletion of element set the Front and Rear to -1(queue is empty)
ADD 2 Front = 0 ,Rear = 0
ADD 3 Front = 0 ,Rear = 1
ADD 4 Front = 0 ,Rear = 2
DELETE Front = 1 ,Rear = 2
DELETE Front = 2 ,Rear = 2
Now the empty location in the queue is 7 so the maximum capacity of queue is 7 . In spite 2 location is empty in left side of the last element 4 but queue cannot access these location as the front on the location 2 this is the disadvantage of simple to queue to overcome this problem circular queue is implemented.
117. A tree has 5 levels and each has either 4 children or no children. All nodes on the same level have the same number of children. How many nodes are there in the tree? (Root is Level 1)
A. 341 B. 256 C. 1024 D. None of these
Solution: Answer will be option A. 1 + 4 + 16 + 64 + 256
118. A 8-bit signed integer has the following range?
A. 0 to 255 B. -128 to 127 C. -255 to 254 D. 0 to 509
Solution: Answer will be option B.
119. What will be the output of the following code statements?
integer x = 34. 54, y = 20, z =
print ( y > 50 AND z > 10 or x > 30 )
A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D. 10
Solution: Answer will be option B.
120. Pankaj makes a program to print the product of cubes of the first 10 whole numbers
She writes the following program:
integer x = 0 // statement 1
integer sum = 0 // statement 2
while ( x < 10 ) // statement 3
sum = x*x*x // statement 4
x = x + 1 // statement 5
print sum // statement 6
Is her program correct? If not, which statement will you modify to correct it?
A. No error, the program is correct B. Statement 1 C. Statement 4 D. statement 6
Solution: Answer will be option C.
Category: Amcat, Amcat computer programming