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AMCAT Aptitude Question-14

Somdeb Burman | 12:28 AM | 0 comments

131)A single letter is drawn at random from the word. “ASPIRATION”, the probability that it is a vowel is?
A. ½       B. 1/3    C. 3/5   D. 2/5
132): The number of ways in which 15 students A1, A2..............A15 can be ranked, such that A4 is always above A8 is
A. 15!                    B. 13!                     C. 15!/2                                D. 13!/2
133) solve : 0.001210*0.00011

A. 0.000000133  B. 0.00001331     C.0.001331          D.0.000000001331            E.0.1331

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