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AMCAT Reading Comprehension-4

Somdeb Burman | 4:58 AM | 0 comments


The Indian government‘s intention of introducing caste based quotas for the ―Other Backward Classes   in centrally funded institutions of higher learning and the prime minister‘s suggestion to the private sector to ‗voluntarily go in for reservation‘, has once again sparked off a debate on the merits and demerits of caste-based reservations. Unfortunately, the predictable divide between the votaries of ―social justice   on one hand and those advocating ―merit   on the other seems to have once again camouflaged the real issues. It is necessary to take a holistic and non-partisan view of the issues involved. The hue and cry about ―sacrificing merit   is untenable simply because merit is after all a social construct and it cannot be determined objectively in a historically unjust and unequal context. The idea of competitive merit will be worthy of serious attention only in a broadly egalitarian context. But then, caste is not the only obstacle in the way of an egalitarian order. After all, economic conditions, educational opportunities and discrimination on the basis of gender also contribute to the denial of opportunity to express one‘s true merit and worth. It is interesting to note that in the ongoing debate, one side refuses to see the socially constructed nature of the notion of merit, while the other side refuses to recognise the multiplicity of the mechanisms of exclusion with equal vehemence. The idea of caste-based reservations is justified by the logic of social justice. This implies the conscious attempt to restructure a given social order in such a way that individuals belonging to the traditionally and structurally marginalised social groups get adequate opportunities to actualise their potential and realise their due share in the resources available. In any society, particularly in one as diverse and complex as the Indian society, this is going to be a gigantic exercise and must not be reduced to just one aspect of state policy. Seen in this light, caste-based reservation has to work in tandem with other policies ensuring the elimination of the structures of social marginalisation and denial of access. It has to be seen as a means of achieving social justice and not an end in itself. By the same logic it must be assessed and audited from time to time like any other social policy and economic strategy.
1.     What is the phrase 'Sacrificing merit' referring to?
A : Killing merit.      b : Selection on basis of merit.   c : Encouraging reservation        4 : None
2.     What do you mean by the word 'Egalitarian'?
Option 1 : Characterized by belief in the equality of all people.
Option 2 : Characterized by belief in the inequality of all people.
Option 3 : Another word for reservations.                             Option 4 : Growth
3.     What does the statement- and not to convert it into a fetish of ‘political correctness’ in the passage imply?
Option 1 : Reservation issue should not be converted into a political propaganda.
Option 2 : Reservation issue should not be based on caste alone.
Option 3 : Reservation issue should be left to the ruling government.   4 : None of these.
4.     What is the author most likely to agree with?
Option 1 : Caste-based reservation is the answer to India's problems.
Option 2 : Gender-based reservation is the answer to India's problems.
Option 3 : There is no solution to bridge the gap between privileged and under-privileged.
Option 4 : None of these.
5.     What do you mean by the word 'Votaries'?
Option 1 : Advocates        Option 2 : Types                 Option 3 : Demerits           Option 4 : People
6.     What do you infer from the sentence ' The idea of caste-based reservations is justified by the logic of social justice' ?
Option 1 : Caste-based reservation will help in providing opportunities to the socially backward classes.
Option 2 : Caste-based reservation will lead to social equality amongst all classes.
Option 3 : Caste-based reservation will help backward classes actualise their potential.
Option 4 : All of these
7.     Why does caste-bases reservation system needs to be assessed and audited from time to time?
Option 1 : To measure its economic advantage to the Nation.
Option 2 : To make sure that it achieves social justice for all.
Option 3 : To do a cost analysis.            Option 4 : None of these.
8.     What is the tone of the passage?

Option 1 : Neutral              Option 2 : Biased                Option 3 : Celebratory      Option 4 : Critical

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