AMCAT Reading Comprehension-6
This sue-for-anything philosophy was created in the 1960‘s, when judges and legislators woke up to abuses of racism and other discrimination that had gone unchecked for centuries. When the bad values of judges and legislator were finally exposed, they decided to create a neutral system in which no one in authority would assert any values. Give people the right to sue for anything, they thought, and then they can‘t blame us for imposing bad values. Pretty soon, every angry person or clever lawyer learned how to demand new ―rights . But these new rights ended up taking away others‘ rights. Trial lawyers justify ruinous claims like a $78,000,000 verdict in Arkansas against a nursing home for the neglect of a 93 years old resident on the basis that it will teach the defendant a lesson not to do it next time. The money, though, comes from you and me, through rapidly rising costs and health insurance premiums. The most important accountability, which the trial lawyers never propose, is to remove the licenses of inept doctors or nursing homes so that they can‘t hurt someone else. Trial lawyers, of course, don‘t make much money if the focus is on better health care, rather than huge verdicts. A society needs red lights and green lights. The legal system is badly broken. Yet, few efforts at reform have gotten very far.
1. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A. Positive outcome of law in America B. Misuse of law has shaken faith of Americans
C. Unlawful practice of lawsuits D. Society suffers with the ever-changing legal system.Category: Amcat, Amcat English, Amcat Passage