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41. A data type is stored as an 6 bit signed integer. Which of the following options cannot be represented by this data type?
Option 1 -12
Option 2  0
Option 3 32
Option 4 18

Ans -12

42. Shahaana has a 10,000 line code. She is trying to debug it. She knows there is a logical error in the first 25 lines of the code. Which of the following options will be an efficient way of debugging?
Option 1      Compile the whole code and step into it line by line                         
Option 2   Use an interpreter on the first 25 lines
Option 3    Compile the whole code and run it                                                          
Option 4   None of these

Ans B

43. Which of the following sorting algorithms yield approximately the same worst-case and average-case running time behaviour in O (n log n)?
A.      Bubble sort and Selection sort
B. Heap sort and Merge sort
C.    Quick sort and Radix sort
D. Tree sort and Median-of-3 Quick sort

Ans. B

44. Zenab and Shashi independently write a program to find the mass of one mole of water, which includes mass of hydrogen and oxygen. Zenab defines the variables:
integer hydrogen, oxygen, water //code A
while Shashi defines the three quantities as:
integer a,b,c  //code B
Which is a better programming practice and why?
A.      Code B is better because variable names are shorter
B.      Code A is better because the variable names are understandable and non-confusing
C.      Code A will run correctly, while code B will give an error.
D.      Code B will run correctly, while code A will give an error.

Ans. B

45. Srishti writes a program to find an element in the array A[5] with the following elements in order: 8 30 40 45 70. She runs the program to find a number X. Xis found in the first iteration of binary search. What is the value of X? 
Choose the correct answer
A.      40                           B. 8                                     C. 70                                          D. 30

Ans. A

46. Consider the following pseudo-code
Class rocket
Integer height, weight
public:   //Statement 1
function input (int a, intb)
height =a;
weight =b;
function main()
Rocket rocket1, rocket2
Choose the correct answer. A pseudo-code which is similar to that of C+ and self-explanatory. An accessible member function or data member for object are accessed by the statement object name.function name or object membername respectively.
A.      Rocket is a class with rocket1 and rocket2 as its objects. Height and weight are attributes of a rocket.
B.      Rocket is a class with rocket1 and rocket2 as its attributes. Height and weight are objects of the class rocket.
C.      Rocket is a class with rocket1, rocket2, height and weight as its attributes.
D.      Rocket is a class with rocket1, rocket2, height and weight as its objects.

Ans A

47. There are two loops which are nested. This implies which one of the following? Choose the correct answer?
A.      Two loops, one after the other                                  B. Two one inside the other
C.    One loop with two different iteration counts           D. Two loops with one iteration counts

Ans. B

48. Saloni writes the code for a function that takes as input n, an even integer and calculates the sum of 1st n natural numbers
function sum (n)
if(n equals 2)
return 2
return ( n+ sum( n-1))
She then calls the function by the statement, sum(30). How many times will the function sum be called to compute this sum? Choose the correct answer?
A.      1                              B. 30                                      C. 15                                      D. 16

Ans B

49. A derived class may inherit from the base class which of the following? (Consider assumptions as in c++) Choose the correct answer?
A.      Data members                                                  B.  Member functions  
C.    Constructors and destructors                     D.  Both data members and member functions

Ans. D

50.  Shalini wants to programme to print the largest number out of 3 inputted numbers. She writes the following programme
Int number 1, number 2, number 3, temp;
Input number 1, number 2, number 3;
If ( number 1 > number 2)
Temp = number 1
Temp= number 2
End if
If ( ??) // statement 1
Temp = number 3
End if 
Print temp
Fill in the ?? in statement 1 ? Choose the correct answer?

A.      Number 3> number 2          B. Number 3> temp           C. Number 3< temp         D. Number 3> number 1

Ans B
31. Consider the following:

Class rocket
        integer height,weight
        public: //statement 1
        function input(int a,int b)
function main()
rocket rocket 1,rocket2
What can we infer from this code?
Choose the correct answer. A pseudo-code which is similar to that of c++ and self-explanatory. An accessible member function or data member for an object are accessed by the statement object name, function name or object name data member name respectively.
A.      rocket is a class with rocket 1 and rocket2 as its objects.height and weight are attributes of a rocket.
B.      rocket is a class with rocket1 and rocket2 as its attributes.height and weight are objects of the class rocket.
C.      rocket is a class with rocket1,rocket2,height and weight as its attributes
D.      rocket is a class with rocket1, rocket2, height, weight as its objects.

Ans- C

32. Vijay wants to print the following pattern on the screen:
1 2
1 2 3
He writes the following program:
integer i=1 //statement1
int  j //statement2
while(j<=i) //statement3
print j
print blank space
j=j+1 //ststement4
print end-of-line //takes the cursor to the nextline
Choose the correct answer:
A.      Statement 1        B. Statement 2        C. Statement 3          D. Statement 4        E. Program does not have error

Ans - E

33. In an implementation of a linked list, each node contains data and address. Which of the following could the address field possibly contain?
A.      Address of next node in sequence   B. It’s own address   C. Address of last node   D. Address of first node

Ans- A

34. A sort, whi
ch uses the binary tree concept such that any number in the tree is larger than all the numbers in the sub tree below it, is called
A.  Selection sort
B. Insertion sort
C. Heap Sort
D. Quick sort

Ans - C

35. A Queue is implemented as a (singly linked)linked-list. Each node has an element and pointer to another node. Rear and Front contain the addresses of the rear and front node respectively. If the condition (rear is equal front) is true and neither is Null, what do we infer about the linked list?
A.      It has no elements               B. It has one element                    C. There is an error               D. None of these

Ans - B

36. Which of these is not a data type?
A.      Integer                        B. Character                               C. Boolean                                D. array

Ans - D

37. A is an empty stack .The following operations are done on it.
What will the stack contain after these operations?(top of the stack is underlined)
A.  5 6
B. 1
C. 5 6
D. 1 5

Ans- B

38. A sorting algorithm traverses through a list, comparing adjacent elements and switching them under certain conditions. What is this sorting algorithm called?
A.      Insertion sort                     B. Heap sort                       C. Quick sort                        D. Bubble sort

Ans-Bubble sort

39. What is the space complexity of a program?
A. Amount of hard-disk space required to store the program
B. Amount of hard-disk space required to compile the program
C. Amount of memory required by the program to run
D. Amount of memory required for the program to compile

Ans. C

40. Which of the following data types does not belong to the category of abstract data types?
A.      Hash table                           B. Set                     C. Object                            D. Stack

Ans Object
21. Which of the following sorting algorithm yield approximately the same worst-case and average-case running time behaviour in O (n log n)?
A.  Bubble sort and Selection sort
B. Heap sort and Merge sort
C. Quick sort and Radix sort
D. Tree sort and Median-of-3 Quick sort

Ans. B

22. Sujan writes a sorting algorithm. The algorithm takes different amount of time to sort two different lists of equal size. What is the possible difference between the two lists?
A.      All numbers in one more list are more than 100, while in other are less than 100.
B.    The ordering of numbers with respect to magnitude in two lists has different properties.
C.    One list has all negative numbers, while the other has all positive numbers.
D.    One list contains 0 as element, while the other does not.

Ans. B

24. Mary is making a database of animals in a zoo and their properties.The possible animals are dog,lion and zebra.Each one has as attribute is Herbivorous,colour and isNocturnal.She uses the object-oriented programming paradigm for this.How will she conceptualise the system?
A.      Class: Animal; objects: dog, lion and zebra; data members : isHerbivorous, colour and is Nocturnal
B.      Class : Animal; objects : isHerbivorous, colour and isNocturnal; data members : dog, lion and zebra
C.      Classes: dog, lion and zebra: objects: Animal; data members: isHerbivorous, colour and is Nocturnal
D.      None of these

Ans. A

25. What is implied by the argument of a function?
A.      Variables passed to it when it is called                                    B. The value is returns on execution
C.    The execution code inside it                                                     D. Its return type

Ans. A

26. Tanuj writes the code for a function that takes as input n and calculates the sum of first n natural numbers.
function {
                                                return 1
end }
Fill in?? in the code.
A.      n equals 1                            B. n equals 2                                       C. n>=1                                 D. n>1

Ans. A

integer i,k,j,n==5
for i=n to 1 decrement 1
    for j=n to i+1 decrement 1
Print blankspace
     for k=1 to ((2*i)-1)increment 1
print “*”
     print  end-of-line //takes the cursor to the nextline
What will be the output when the given code is executed?
A.  *****           B. *****     C. *****    D.           *
      ****                   ****          ****                   **
      ***                       ***          *****               ***
      **                           **           ****               ****  
      *                               *           *****           *****

Ans .C

28. Afzal writes a piece of code, where a set of three lines occur around 10 times in different parts of the program. What programming concept can he use to shorten his program code length?
A.  Use for loops
B. Use functions
C. Use array
D. Use classes

Ans. B

29. Which of the following statements is true regarding the sorting and searching algorithms?
A.      Linear searching is faster than the most efficient sorting algorithm
B.      Linear searching is slower than the most efficient sorting algorithm
C.      Linear searching and the most efficient sorting algorithm take up almost same time
D.      Their complexities cannot be compared

Ans. B

30. Stack is used for implementing
A.      Radix search               B. Breadth first search                         C. Recursion                       D. None of these

Ans. C


11.  In an implementation of a linked list, each node contains data and address. Which of the following could the address field possibly contain?
A. Address of next node in sequence   B. It’s own address
C. Address of the last node                   D. Address of the first node

Ans. A

12.  Parthiv has included several classes and their subjects in his project. Now he wants to use something that will hold all these objects (of different classes). Which of the following options provides him with the best iterative?
A. Store them in database           B. Final class            C. Generic class       D. Anonymous class


13. Shristhi writes the code for a function that computes the factorial of the inputted number  n.
function factorial(n)
                                                if( n equals 1)
                                                                return 1
                                                                 - - MISSING STATEMENT - -
Fill the missing statement.
a.       return factorial(n-1)                     B. return n*factorial(n)     C. return n*(n-1)     D. return n*factorial(n-1)


14.       Shasi wants to make a program to print the sum of the first 10 multiples of 5. She writes the following program, where statement 5 is missing.
integer i=0
integer sum=0
while ( i <= 50)

                                 sum =sum+1
                                - - MISSING STATEMENT - -
print sum
Which of the following options will you use for statement 5?
A. i = 5                   B. i = 5 *I              C. i = i + 1                             D. i = i + 5


15.       Consider the following code:
if(condition 1)
                                if(condition 2)
// Statement A
                                 Elseif (condition 3)
//Statement B
 // Statement C
                                else if (condition 4)
 //Statement D
//Statement E

Which of the following conditions will allow execution of statement C?
A. condition1 AND condition 3
B. condition1 AND condition4 AND NOT (condition2)
C. NOT (condition2) AND NOT (condition3)
D. condition1 AND NOT(condition2) AND NOT(condition3)


16.A full binary tree with n non-leaf nodes contains
A. (log n) nodes                B.  n + 1 nodes                   C. 2n+1 nodes                   D. 2n nodes

Ans. C

17. Ravi is writing a program in C++. C++ uses the ‘for’ keyword for loops. Due to distraction Ravi writes ‘gor’ instead of ‘for’. What will this result to?
A. The code will not compile
B. The code will give an error while in execution
C. The code may work for some inputs and not for others
D. It will create no problems.


18. Aina wants to use a sorting technique to sort a list of numbers such that the running time of the sorting technique that she uses won’t affected by pre-order of the elements. Which of the following sorting techniques should she use?
A. Merge Sort                    B.  Bubble Sort                  C. Insertion Sort               D. Selection Sort

Ans. Not known please write into Comments and will be added here for students reference.

19. While calculating time complexity of an algorithm, the designer concerns himself/herself primarily with the run time and not the compile time. Why?
A. Run time is always more than compile time.      B. Compile time is always more than run time
C. Compile time is a function of run time                  D. A program needs to be compiled once but can be run several times.


20. Pankaj and Mythili were both asked to write the code to evaluate the following expression.
a-b + c/(a-b) + (a-b)2       
1.       Pankaj writes the following code statements (Code A)
print (a-b) + c/(a-b) + (a-b) * (a-b)
2.       Mythili writes the following code statements (Code B)
d = (a-b)
print d + c/d + d*d

If the time taken to load in a variable, for addition, multiplication or division between two operands is same , which of the following is true?
A.      Code A uses lesser memory and is slower than Code B.
B. Code A uses lesser memory and is faster than Code B.
C. Code A uses more memory and is faster than Code B.
D. Code A uses more memory and is slower than Code B.



1.  Null function is also known as
a.   Anonymous Function
b. Generic Function
c. Void Function
d. Null operator


2.  There are two loops which are nested. This implies which of the following
a.   Two loops, one after the other  
b. Two loops, one inside the other
c. One loop two different iteration counts
d. Two loops with same iteration count


3.       Shravanti writes the following program. 
integer i=0,j
                                while( i < 2  )
                                                j = 0;
                                                while ( j <= 3*i )
                                                                print j
                                                                print blank space
                                                                j = j + 3
                                                print end-of-line //takes the cursor to the next line
                                                i = i + 1
                What will be the output of the program?
a.       0                      b. 0 3                     c.  0                        d. 0 3 6
                       0 3                        0 3 6                       0 3 6                       0 3 6 9
                                                                                     0 3 6 9                    0 3 6 9 12
       Ans. C

      4.        What is the term used to describe the situation,when a function in the base class is redefined                 in inherited class?
            a.       Inheritance         b. Overriding      c. Overloading   d. Encapsulation


       5.  Consider the given statements regarding Arrays-
                1.Arrays provide a linear medium to store data.
                2.Arrays provide a non indexed structure.
                3.All the elements in Array depend on the location of the other elements of the Array.
          Which of the above statements is/are true?
             a.       Only 1     b. Both 1 and 2                  c. Both 1 and 3                   d. 1, 2 and 3


       6.       Consider a binary tree implementation. The root address is stored in variable root. Given the                 address of a node is variable node, its value, right and root could node address can be accessed using the following statements respectively node-> value ,node ->  right, node-> left. Srikanth writes the following function to do a preorder traversal of the tree.

function preordertraverse(n0de)
                                                print node -> value
                                                if(Conditon X)
preordertraverse(node ->left)
                                                if(Condition Y)
preordertraverse(node ->right)

            What is the Condition X and Condition Y ?
                a.   Condition X: node -> left is not equal null
                b. Condition X: node -> right is not equal null,Condition Y:node -> right is not equal                                 null,Condition Y:node -> left is not equal null
                c. Condition X: node -> left is equal null
                d. Condition X: node -> right is equal null, Condition Y:node -> right is equal null,                                 Condition Y:node -> left is equal null.


         7.       In breadth-first search,which of the following options is true?
              a.       Beginning from a node,first all its adjacent nodes are traversed.
              b.      Beginning from a node,each adjacent node is fully explored before
              c.       Traversing the next adjacent node.
              d.      Beginning from a node , nodes are traversed in cyclic order.
              e.      None of these.


         8.       Sruti is making a questionnaire of True-False question. She wants to define a data-type which stores the response of the candidate for the question. What is the most suited data type for this purpose?
                    a.       Integer   B. Boolean        c. float   d. character


         9.       Which of these is not a data type?
               a.       Integer   B. character   C. Boolean    D. array


        10.   A full binary tree with n leaves contains
             a.       2n+1 nodes        b. log2n nodes                  C. 2n-1 nodes                    D. 2n nodes
