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Test Modules
Compulsory Module
1.    English Comprehension
2.    Quantitative Ability
3.    Logical Ability
Optional Module
1.    Computer Literacy
2.    Computer Programming Principles and Application
3.    Electronics and Semiconductor
4.    Civil Engineering
5.    Mechanical
6.    Finance
Detailed Syllabus
English Comprehension
Ability to write correct English
         Sentence structure understanding.
         Usage of article, preposition, conjunction, correct tense.
         Usage of verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
Functional vocabulary
         Commonly used words: Used in newspapers, magazines etc.
         Common Phrases used in corporate, Business.
Understanding and comprehension of texts
         Main argument/purpose of a passage.
         Deductive author�s tone and perspective.
         Attention to detail.

Type of Questions
         Fill in the blanks.
         Error Identifications.
         Error Correction.
         Antonym and Synonym in context of sentence.
         Ordering Sentences.
         Questions based on Passages( 2passages, 4 questions each).

Quantitative Ability
Basic Numbers
         Decimal and Fractions
         Basic Algebra
         Factorizations, Divisibility, HCF, LCM
         Odd, Even, Prime, Rational Numbers
Word Problems
         Application of Algebra to real world
         Direct and inverse preposition
         Common Applications: Speed-time-distance, Profit, Loss, Percentage, Age, Relations, Mixtures Miscellaneous
Permutations-Combinations and Basic Probability
         Factorial Notations
         Principal of Counting
         P&C with repetition, restriction and counting
         Probability, Addition and Multiplication Law
         Events: Dependent, Independent, Exclusive Events
Power and Logarithms
         Fraction and Negative Powers
         Graphical, intuitive understanding
         Logarithm/antilog definition and properties word problems
         Mixed with Algebra

Logical Ability
Deductive Reasoning (General to Particular) Logical Consequences
1.    Numerical
         Guided Coding
         Direction Sense
         Direction Sense
2.    Non � Numerical
         Given set of statements, drive conclusion
         Blood relations
         Given statements drive arguments
Inductive Reasoning (Particular to General) Rule Discovery
1.    Numerical
         Classification (Recognize odd pattern out)
         Missing number series
         Recognize and apply coding pattern
2.    Non � Numerical
         Classification (recognize out of relations)
Abductive Reasoning (Identifying assumption for a deduction/Induction)
1.    Non � Numerical
         Given Statements find underlying assumption

Computer Programming Principles and Applications
The test contains the following sections:
A. Structure and constructs of Computer Programs
         Programming flow, Procedures, Functions and Arguments, Methods
         Data-types, how data is stored in computers, input/output, manipulation, methods
of referencing and assessing data (including pointers).
         Iteration, decision-making, recursions
         Algorithm Complexity: Space and time Complexity, Asymptotic Notation
         Compilation, Linking and Execution; debugging, kinds of errors.
B. Data-structures and Basics Algorithms
         Data Storage Methods: Linked lists, Arrays, Queues, Stacks, Trees, Heaps, Hash
         tables, graphs; Stress on which data structure to use for a given application
         Data retrieval, Insertion of new data, merging of data from two data structures
         Data search and sorting, Methods of array sorting and trade-off
C. Object Oriented Programming Concepts
         Classes, objects and methods
         Data Encapsulation, Data hiding, Inheritance
         Polymorphism, Overloading, Abstraction

Electronics and Semiconductors
A. Analog Electronics
         Basic Components, their operations and Circuit Analysis: Resistor, Capacitor,
         Inductor, Independent and Dependent Sources; Kirchoff Law, series/parallel
         combination, use of Thevenin/Norton, Superposition theorems; Energy and Power
         Consideration in circuits
         Active Components, Large, Small Signal and Circuit Analysis: Diodes, BJT,
         MOSFET, Opamps Basics; Amplifiers, Current Sources; Gain Analysis of
         Circuits, Input-output impedance, cascading of circuits. (Stress MOSFETS)
         Frequency domain and time domain analysis of systems, Feedback and
         Stability: Frequency domain (Laplace) representation of components, Impulse
         and Sinusoidal steady state response of systems; time constant, Initial Conditions;
         Frequency domain response; Bode plot; Poles and Zeros; Analysis of
         transistor/mos-based, RLC circuits, Oscillators, Filter realizations and
         Opamp based circuits and analysis: Gain Stabilization of opamp using
         feedback; Integrator, differentiator, summers, difference amplifier; First order
         model of opamp, Effect on circuit frequency response
         Miscellaneous: Basic concepts of Sample-Hold circuits, ADC/DAC,
B. Digital Electronics
         Boolean Algebra, Minimization of Boolean Functions
         Implementation and Analysis of logic gates: NMOS/PMOS Implementation,
         CMOS Implementation, BJT based Implementations; Understanding of circuit
         characteristics like delay, input/output slope, fan-in/fan-out, Noise margin, inputoutput
         capacitance; Understanding of influence of device sizes on these
         Sequential blocks - flip-flops and latches: Basic Operation, Different kinds of
         flip-flops; setup/hold times; Concept of feedback in design of flip-flops
         Digital Circuits and Blocks: Arithmetic Circuits, Multiplexers, Decoder,
         Counters, Shift Registers, Sample & Hold circuits, Memory Elements, etc.
         State Machines and design of Complex sequential circuits

Computer Literacy
A. Hardware Usage and Organization
         Hardware devices: input and output, function, connection ports - usb drives,
         CD/DVD, keyboard, mouse, laptop/desktop, etc
         Computer Usage and maintenance, Power Supply, Speed and Memory, Assessing
         and modifying Hardware Properties.
B. Operating System Usage and Concepts
         Basic Windows Usage, Task Manager, identification and purpose of key folders,
         file organization, operations on files and folders.
         Searching files, Modifying settings, Power Management, Network Usage
C. Basic Software and Internet
         Word Processing (MS Word), Presentations (MS PowerPoint), Spread-sheet (MS
         Excel), PDF (Acrobat), Anti-virus, Outlook
         Use of browsers for World Wide Web, Searching, Address (URL), Surfing the
         web, Favorites, History, Email Access, Blogs, AWARENESS, chatting
         Networking - knowledge about protocols, FTP, HTTP etc

Civil Module
1.    Building Materials and Construction
         Building Materials
         Building Construction
2.    Surveying
3.    Applied Mechanics
4.    Strength of Materials
5.    Hydraulics
6.    Waste Water and Supply Engineering
         Waste Water engineering
         Waste Supply engineering
7.    Soil Mechanics
8.    Concrete Technology
9.    R.C.C Structure Design
10. Steel Structure Design
11. Irrigation
12. Highway Engineering
13. Construction Management
14. Theory of Structures
15. Structural Design Specifications
16. Estimating and Costing

Mechanical Module
1.    Thermodynamics
2.    Strength of Materials
3.    Fluid Mechanics
4.    Design of Machines
5.    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
6.    Production Management